Friday, October 15, 2010

Cameron 2 Years Old

My little sweet heart is 2! I can't believe it. Wow, what a crazy year it's been for us and her. She has grown, (a little), she is taller and smarter and talks so much, but is still so skinny. Her big personality makes up for her little body though, that's for sure. Some of the funny stuff she does and says... 

~"I need coke-I need candy" one sentence, when she is still in her crib in the morning.
~"Oh My Gooosh!" she says to the silliest things, like when I give her food.
~Pretends to give the cat or dogs a shot with an old water syringe.
~"I want to cuddle", she says this every morning.
~She bosses everyone around, mostly her cousin Hailey, which I am not proud of.
~Loves to help her daddy, in the garden or wherever...
~"Delicious Diaper"
~"Are you serious, Mommy"
Here are some pics of her on her Birthday, Oh My Gosh!

1 comment:

Aaron and Jen said...

Happy Birthday Cameron! She is so adorable!