Wednesday, April 7, 2010

18 months old today

My baby is 18 months already? Holy crap, soon she will be 2. Nooooo! I love her so much, I can't even say it enough. She is so cute, and smart. Everyday she says a new word. And practically repeats every word if you ask her. She said "naughty" the other day. I didn't even know she knew that one, let alone what it meant! She was standing up in the bath tub, and I always yell at her to sit down. So she says, "naughty". Yep, you were being...

Well here are some recent pics I took tonight. (oh, ps, the pj's are 6mo. size! Pip-squeek!)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Okay Ashley, it's a little ridiculous how long it has been. 18 months, really? We miss you guys a ton. We are finally settling in to this house and it's time to have you over. I am going to start blogging again so hopefully I will have some new pics up soon.